about me
name: clare
age: 17
likes: reading, music
quote: good friends are good for your health

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Friday, November 12

The Beaten Path

size="2">You take the Beaten
Afterall, that's what it's there for right? You are
content with the options alreadylaid out for you definitely of the "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it." frame ofmind. You tend to be a follower rather than a
leader, but that's fine becauseall good leaders must first be good followers. You
tend to follow the crowdsliving life the tried and true way, often letting
others make the decisions.Just don't forget you have a mind too. Never be
afraid to voice your ideas oropinions, no matter how ridiculous others may think
they are. This beaten pathis your comfort zone, you want and deserve company
on your travels trough lifeas you are probably a very friendly and kind
individual, always putting theneeds of others before your own. That's an
excellent and all too rare quality.Never lose it. But being surrounded isn't always
the best. People tend to tryand take charge and advantage of the fact and if
you aren't careful, it'llbe your life that's been taken over. Venture away
from your well-traveled roadand find your own away. Head down that road
less-traveled and see what's therebecause though the path you're on may have been
done before, that doesn'tnecessarily make it the right one for you. Step out
of your comfort zone andtake some risks you wouldn't normally take, make
mistakes, and make some timefor just you. Indulge and be a little selfish.
You'll come out all the betterfor it.

What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X]
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posted by inkey at 20:28
